How I know the They are not in Charge

There seem to be many theories about who and what is causing hurricane destruction and the meteorologist working to cover-up the true nature of recent disasters. But I take a longer view of disasters by considering the history of many forces in our world.

For example: Mt Vesuvius’ eruption in 79 A.D. destroyed several cities in Rome. The eruption is believed to spread 21 miles high and was more powerful than an atomic bomb. It destroyed the city of Pompeii among others. In the now cool lava, there are cavities of human bodies captured in time as they attempted to flee. In 79 AD Rome was the most powerful government in the world. But they were helpless against mother nature.

The first Black Plague, one of the worst infectious disease outbreaks in human history, killed up to 60 percent of western Eurasian population in eight years. It took nearly 200 years for Europe to regain its population. Trade was reduced and wars essentially stopped. New sanitation protocols were started. Many people fled the cities or quarantined themselves by avoiding all contact. Funerals were abandoned for cremations due to the number of bodies. Everyone throughout Europe was helpless to stop the deaths.

In America the Dust Bowl of the 1930s was caused by serious droughts and poor soil conservation. Crops failed, livestock died from starvation, and many families migrated to California searching for work. The Government began several federal programs to help people affected. But the Dust Bowl did not end until 1939 when it began to rain again.

Sometimes we think that we have all the technology to control the world around us. We can predict storms, earthquakes, and the stock market (according to some). But disasters keep happening as they always have, We see more things coming our way but still remain helpless to get out of the danger that is upon us.  So, we do what people have always done. We blame someone else for our misfortune. For centuries people blamed the gods, or in the Jewish and Christian tradition they blamed the Almighty God for about 6000 years. Sometimes we blame all those other people who do wrong, however that was defined through the centuries.

Lately with the internet and social media, we have taken to blaming everyone. The government is controlling us. Influencers and trained scientists are distorting or covering up the truth, for personal gain. The other side of the political divide is controlling us to force us into submission for votes. Charities are giving money to the wrong people. Resue workers are stealing victims hard earned money. Pick a conspiracy theory, you will find it on the internet. If not, start it yourself and gain a few thousand followers. Absolute truth does not exist. No one can be trusted. “The sky is falling, the sky is falling.”, said chicken little, and along the way others joined him.

I do not believe the sky is falling or the world is coming to an end. I do not trust pundits, influencers, politicians, or other magicians. I know the government does not have all the answers. I do not trust either side to do everything the right way or even the best way. I believe that all people are broken in different ways and all people need help, I believe the people of this world have lived through a never-ending series of disasters, unrest, wars, sickness, starvations, governments, and confusion. It is the way of our world. It is not controlled by local forces in charge or a pack of elites running everything. Mostly it is caused by each one of us going through our day believing we know what we are doing. The real truth, that is often ignored, is that we don’t know what we are doing.

There is one who I believe in. One I trust. One and only one. The Truth. The Savior of the world. The one who existed before this world. The one who created this world. The one who has carried me through many trials and tribulations. The one who has never abandoned me. The one who can speak to eight million people simultaneously and call each one by name. The one who speaks to me as though I am the only one he sees. It is Jesus.

I look back at the long road of human history and realize that we create many of the problems we endure. We chose our own way through the forest and became lost, even though we knew where we were going. We trust in ourselves when history shows how many others have failed. Somehow, we think we are the ones who will make it all work out in the end with scant evidence, and little historical proof. Maybe we need to stop being controlled by our ego’s belief that we know, we can, we will. Maybe we should accept that we are as broken as the world around us. Stop blaming each other and humbly seek help from the one who knows us better than we know ourselves.

Jesus loves us. Jesus wants us to have an abundant life. To have love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. In Jesus is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge which he will share with us. He makes us dwell in safety. He gives us peace in the midst of the storm. He cares for us as dearly loved children.

We have no reason to fear the powers around us or the rumors among us. We have a savior who possesses all the wisdom of the ages. He counts the hairs on our head. He knows all we have done and thought. He knows what is in our hearts. He knows how to heal us and guide us. He knows our greatest desires. He knows what we need. He is The Truth and there is no other like him. The powers and troubles of this world are fleeting. Almighty God is eternal. Learn how to cling to him through prayer and Bible reading. Let him be the truth and light of your world. Even if you are the only one, it will be an amazing and wonderful world.