Going Further Resources
God Loving Activist
Adventures and beliefs of my life with God
There are many places on the web and millions of books about Jesus. Knowing where to start can seem overwhelming. With Jesus there is always hope. Say a short prayer to Jesus asking for help in what you need now. Then just pick one and start reading, If it doesn’t seem to meet your needs then pray again and ask for guidance. Remember that you are starting a life-long journey. You will never grow tired of learning about Jesus and discussing what you know with other people. It is no different from human romance. You always want to learn something new about your love. You always want to show your love to other people. Jesus is the same. He will be the greatest love of your life. With Jesus every day is new. Just start and don’t worry if it’s not perfect. It will be enough for today.
I suggest starting with signing up for a few daily devotionals emailed to you. They are short reads. You will be surprised how many times God will address something you need to know in someone else’s writing. If you have specific questions, then browse the topics in Bibletools.org or WhoisJesus web pages. If you have a free hour in your day, or a long commute, then pick a book that appeals to you and read. If you are able to gather with friends interested in Jesus, then consider a group Bible study. If you are attending church, ask pastors and church leaders about Bible studies groups currently meeting and join one.
Online Bible Help
There are multiple online sites I use regularly to help answer questions about all things Godly.
BibleGateway.org contains online Bibles in multiple translations and multiple l I frequently do word searches to find all the places the Bible mentions things such as gossip, peace, knowledge, joy, fear, or anything else. Just key a word in the search box and hit enter. A list of verse will appear. The verse that help you, can be copied and pasted onto your phone pages app, Add a title to the page and always have a source to reread what the Bible says about something which troubles you.
Bibletools.org is another resource which allows a word in the search box and displays a serious of sermons or writings by various peoples. It has a topical index, definition page, and other information. It is a wonderful resource to explore what multiple Christians are saying about almost any subject. It’s About Page has additional links to resources.
Who is Jesus page contains a long list of topics covering Jesus’ life and explanations of how different Christians see Jesus.
Billy Graham evangelist association site contains extensive resources.
Daily Devotionals
In the web pages above there are daily devotional which you can sign up to be emailed to you.
In Touch ministries will email a daily devotional.
The Upper Room has daily devotional written by its many readers. These are everyday people sharing their personal experiences with God.
Come Away My Beloved is a devotional broken into one page a day. You are God’s beloved. He wants a intimate relationship with you. This daily devotional helps you understand and remember this every day.
Devotionals from Favorite Hymns is a fun read if you enjoy singing those old church hymns, Or if you want to explore those old hymns which so many people enjoyed.
Bible Study Books
Lifeway is a wonderful place to explore Christian books written by various authors or for specific topics such as men, women, spiritual growth, prayer, marriage and many more. Check out their topic list here, or the author page here.
Hearing God’s Voice
by William Blackaby
For those who are interested in learning to discern God’s voice in your everyday life as communicating with a close friend. With many voices in this world, God’s voice is unique, and it never contradicts his written word. This is a good book to read and reread.
Battle Plan for Prayer
by Stephen Kendrick & Alex Kendrick
These authors give an extensive study of prayer practices. The book was written after the movie War Room premiered. It covers prayer from multiple perspectives. If you are wondering about your prayer life this is a good book to help strengthen it,.
Bible Studies
The Epic of Eden
by Sandra L Richter
Sandra L. Richter is a Harvard University professor of Old Testament. She has a thorough knowledge of life as lived in ancient middle east. She brings knowledge of customs and practices to help understand the reasons why people behaved the way they did in ancient times. This is a good book to begin studying the Old Testament. She has additional books which can be found on Amazon.
Great Lives: Jesus: The Greatest Life of All
by Charles Swindoll
The Great Lives series of books provides an in-depth study of individuals in the Bible. The book on Jesus is a good one to begin. There are others on Paul, Moses, Ester, Elijah, David, Job, and Joseph. If you want to start a Christian book club, these are interesting people to study and discuss.